Visitor Program

“You matter because you are, and you matter until the end of your life.”

BV Hospice volunteers are caring, compassionate individuals who are committed to the non-medical, comfort care and support of people at end of life, their families and caregivers.

Some of the supports our volunteers may provide are…

  • Companionship including listening to life stories, reading and simply being present.
  • Practical help such as preparing light meals, errands, providing transportation.
  • Social support through visiting or outings.
  • Emotional support through listening without judgement or giving advice.
  • Respite for families and caregivers.
  • Sitting at the bedside in the final weeks/days in home or care facility.

Our Nav-CARE volunteers partner with the frail elderly or adult persons living with a life-limiting illness to provide companionship and referrals to other resources.

Volunteers are also there to support caregivers who are in need of a listening ear as they deal with their emotions and uncertainty about what lies ahead, and as they grieve their own losses, while continuing to care for their loved one. Read More…

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If you have questions or want to access our services, please contact us:

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