Lending Library

The BV Hospice has a library of books on the subjects of grief, loss, death, bereavement and hope. They range from children’s stories to many adult titles which offer thoughtful advice, meditations, prayers and so much information for the journey you or your family, friends, coworkers or neighbours may be on.

Please see the list of available titles and their short summaries to give you an idea of what the book is all about and if it can help you.

The books are available for loan from the BV Hospice office at 3862D Broadway Avenue. To arrange pick up for books, please leave a message at 250.877.7451 [messages checked daily]  or email us at bvhospicesociety@gmail.com

Books for Adults

Western attitudes toward death: from the Middle Ages to the present

Philippe Aries. 1974.

Reveals the change in Western man’s conception and acceptance of death as evidenced in customs, literature and art since medieval times.
Reference code: 128 ARI

As I lay dying: meditations upon returning

Richard John Neuhaus. 2002.

Neuhaus, one of the foremost authorities on religion in the contemporary world, interweaves his own story of recovery from a near fatal ruptured tumour, with thoughtful inquiry, circling through philosophy, psychology, literature, theology, and his own experiences to create provocative meditations that explore the many aspects of dying.
Reference code: 128.5 NEU

Heaven is for real: a little boy’s astounding story of his trip to heaven and back.

Todd Burpo. 2010.

Presents the story of the four-year old son of a Nebraska pastor who during emergency surgery slips from consciousness and enters heaven.
Reference code: 133.901 BUR

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