A great deal of information pertaining to all aspects of hospice/palliative care is available online.
Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association
British Columbia Hospice Palliative Care Association
BC Bereavement Helpline / 1.877.779.2223
Children/Teens Bereavement:
The Dougy Centre – The National Centre for Grieving Children and Families
Kids Grief.ca – Talking with Teens and Kids about Death and Dying
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Centre for Loss and Life Transition
Homicide Bereavement:
Canadian Resources Centre for Victims of Crime
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Grief & Loss:
The Manitoba Trauma Information Centre
Death through Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) (supporting families)
Mental Health and Wellness (Harvard Medical School)
Death of a child:
The Compassionate Friends of Canada
Books > We now offer a lending library
Books can be a helpful resource and there are many to choose from at our office and as well the Smithers Public Library. Please contact us to arrange access to BV Hospice’s Lending Library Catalogue.
Smithers Public Library
3817 Alfred Avenue Smithers